Saturday, May 12, 2012

~Happy Mother’s Day!

What a glorious day it was indeed! After a week of cool rain it feels so good to be outside on this warm Mother’s Day weekend, thank-you Mother Nature!


This is my mom at the beach, this is how I’ll always remember her, sitting and watching the surf roll in.

"Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves
that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

She’s an amazing woman who has had a remarkable life, raising 5 daughters. When I see her on Mother’s Day I’ll  tell how much I love her, give her thanks & praise her for being such a great mom! ♥


I  feel blessed  to be a  mom myself. I  have two really great kids…I guess they’re not kids anymore…oh my goodness they’re becoming young adults so quickly!, where does the time go?

I wish I could keep them young forever…


Today was so beautiful out, not a cloud in the sky, 80 degrees, I felt compelled to go to the farm stand and buy some flowers.






Then I plopped myself down in a chair  with a glass of wine and some hardcover decorating books, to fully immerse myself in some eye candy!


Harley decided to join me.


I guess it was too hot for him out there, because that didn’t last long!


So my hubby joined me instead. ♥

While we sat and talked my daughter came home and surprised me with some yellow roses.

Of course I had to photograph them, the color with the dimming sun was such an “ah ha” moment for me.

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I would like to wish all of you mothers out there a very blessed Mother’s Day, you are all remarkable women and you should know that everything you do for your child, and the love that you give unselfishly makes an important impact on your child’s life. The foundation that you give to your child now…is what your child needs to flourish & soar into adulthood!

Happy Mother’s Day to you!


Blessings, Bonnie


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you..

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you, Bonnie! As always, great pics.... and what a lovely family you have... Pretty flowers from your daughter, as are the ones you picked up from the farm stand. Beautiful pic of your mom, relaxing by the sea.... I hope both of you enjoy your day tomorrow!

  3. Beautiful pictures as always. Love the picture of your Mother by the ocean.


I love hearing from you!~Blessings, Bonnie