Saturday, June 11, 2011

~Summer Time ~ Garden Time


I’ve been inspired by so many beautiful things. I’d like to share with you some lovely summer photos that I’ve photographed, my hope is that they’ll inspire you too.

May 317 

rock garden



June 004


June 001

June 013

June 002

June 026


   May 104

May 150

May 147 

Gingham Goose 151

bunny garden

summer 005


Cape Cod 087



My friends from the Walker Homestead are hosting this great show again! I’ve been to all of them, and trust me you don’t want to miss this one!

I’ll give you a little taste from last summer’s show.

June 016

June 044


June 047

June 041

June 057

walker 4

June 018 

Fall 500 June 051


Fall 510

Fall 515 

+walker2 (3)

June 062

Next Saturday at the Walker Homestead I’ll have the pleasure of helping my good friend Maria in her booth, “Primitives by Maria”, you might also know Maria from Country Culture.


maria & bonnie 1

please stop by and say “hi” we would love to see you!

Good Antiques, Good Primitives, Good Food, Good People, Good Times!

Only in New England!

April 061


  1. Love your photos Bonnie, thanks for sharing info about our show... we're almost ready! Can't wait to see you next week <3

  2. Beautiful photos as always. Enjoy the show!

  3. WOW great photos and I really love the porch photos. Very welcoming and patriotic.
    I wish I lived closer so I could come to the show! Have a great time.

  4. Your pictures are always so calming, I enjoy them more than I can say. Wish I could got to the show, there are no really good shows near me...all you wonderful vendors need to come to Waterford Pennsylvania. ~Kriss~

  5. Beautiful pictures Bonnie!!! I really want to make a trip to New England sometime! Hopefully next year I will make the show!

  6. So beautiful~ so inspired~ Would love to hop in the car & take a trip up the Walker Homestead~ but I don't think I will make it~ but please take pics so we can join in on the fun~ Walker Homestead is so pretty in pics~ just can't imagine it in person~ I bet I would be blown away!
    Have a great day~

  7. Such beautiful inspiring photography! I always look forward to your posts. Makes me miss my New England roots even more.

  8. I loved all the pictures .They really capture the true meaning of living in NEW ENGLAND. I just love it here. I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the show!! DEBBIE DISBRO

  9. Beautiful photos and tour! Please show us more, looking forward to seeing New England through your eyes!

  10. I just found your blog and I love it!! Your photos are amazing! I have read all the way back to the beginning and I can't wait for more posts.
    Have a great day~Stacy :)

  11. Gorgeous pictures! You do such nice work, it's so inspiring. I love New England and miss it so, thanks for giving me a little taste. ~Sara

  12. Thanks Bonnie for sharing such wonderful places in your beautiful photo's. Not only do you inspire us, you teach us how to enjoy the simple pleasures and treasures of live all around us.


I love hearing from you!~Blessings, Bonnie