Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day

 June 010

This Memorial Day I’ll be thinking of my late father and all the men and women who have served, and are serving in our armed forces. They put their lives at risk for us. They’re heroes, and they should never be forgotten.♥

Before my father was in the Coast Guard he was a Navy man. He was on a Navy ship in Pearl Harbor when it was attacked…he survived that attack, otherwise I would not be writing this today.




My father (George) passed away 3 1/2 years ago, he’s laid to rest at the Veteran’s National Cemetery in Bourne, Ma (Cape Cod).



When my father was first laid to rest in this beautiful field of rolling green grass, it was relatively empty. I went to visit it a few weeks back with my mom and sisters and we were astounded by all the very young men who have now surrounded dad. It made us weep as some were only 19 and 20 years old. My father has lived a very long life, but these young men just started theirs. We said a prayer and told our dad it was his duty to take care of these young men.


Summer 338

Pictured below is my husband when he was in the Army stationed over in Korea.

John army

Please stop and say a prayer this weekend for these courageous men and women who serve our beautiful country. ♥

“Semper Paratus”

app 116

“Random acts of Kindness”

We don’t talk enough about the kindness of strangers. I was quite surprised to receive something in the mail this week from someone whom I’ve never met, I just happened to be Tracy’s 200th follower on her blog, check it out.

She sent me some primitive rag balls, clothespins and these wonderfully scented soaps…wow!

♥ Random acts of Kindness ♥



With all of this beautiful weather the sunflowers that my daughter has seeded are sprouting! Soon they will be planted in the garden.


I have 2 favorite flowers, sunflowers & hydrangeas, I never tire looking at these.



Flowers are just simply beautiful!




The next best thing to having apple cobbler is having a candle that smells like one! No calories here!



Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Blessings, Bonnie


  1. Bonnie I was brought to tears reading this lovely tribute to your father. Thank you sharing these wonderful personal thoughts and the beautiful pictures.
    Warm hugs,

  2. Hi, Bonnie~
    Such a touching story of your Father~ Wow~ a brave Man~ I just can't imagine what the folks that serve have encoutered for our freedom and so many lives lost~ oh, and yes so young~
    God Bless the USA and the one's that serve us so proudly~
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day~

  3. Bonnie, lovely pictures, a stirring tribute! I'm so thankful to live in this great country, and so grateful for the many who have given their all to defend us! My Daddy was a WWII Veteran from the European campaigns, miss him still, he went on home in 1967.

  4. God bless your father for this service! This is a lovely tribute to him.

    And I wanted to tell you that I adore that sign in the first picture! I love Americana folk art so much!

  5. Beautiful photos Bonnnie. It must have been very emotional seeing those newer graves. Please thank John for so honorably serving our country. And please extend my best wishes and congratulations to Ashley on her upcoming grauation! Way to go Ashley!!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to your father.

    Take care,
    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  7. Bonnie ~ What a Beautiful Tribute!!! As it is sometimes said in the military...."It Broke Me Off!!!"



I love hearing from you!~Blessings, Bonnie